Industry Application

Semiconductor Applications

The semiconductor industry belongs to the hardware industry, an industry developed on the basis of semiconductors, which is the foundation of the information age. It has been widely used in communications, computers, electronic applications and other conveniences, and has now become a necessary part of modern technology and people's daily life. As an important doping technology in microelectronics, ion implantation has very high requirements on the high temperature performance and chemical corrosion resistance of the material. Therefore, the main components of the ionization chamber are made of tungsten, molybdenum or graphite materials.

Mengchang Metal Co., Ltd. has a stable production process and rich experience, so that the performance of materials in the semiconductor industry can be maximized, and the supply of materials with stable performance can be guaranteed in large quantities to ensure that customers have sufficient and high-quality raw materials. Stabilize production or expand capacity.

Mengchang provides tungsten, molybdenum and alloy materials for ion implantation process

Tungsten plates, rods Molybdenum plates, rods TZM plates, rods Tungsten processing parts Molybdenum processing parts Shielding parts for high temperature furnace Tungsten and molybdenum sputtering targets Tungsten and molybdenum rotating target


Copyright: Luoyang Mengchang Metal Materials Co., Ltd.  Record No.:Yu ICP No. 2022014492-1