Alloy Products

Cerium tungsten electrode

Material Properties

Cerium tungsten electrode is a tungsten electrode product made by adding rare earth cerium oxide to the tungsten base and then going through powder metallurgy, calendaring and polishing processes. It is a non radioactive tungsten electrode product. The advantage of this product is that it has excellent arc starting performance under low current conditions and small arc maintaining current. Therefore, it is often used for welding pipes, stainless steel products and small precision parts. Low electron work function, high chemical stability, large allowable current density and no radioactivity, which is a commonly used electrode at present.



it is often used for welding pipes, stainless steel products and small precision parts. Low electron work function, high chemical stability, large allowable current density and no radioactivity, which is a commonly used electrode at present.

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Copyright: Luoyang Mengchang Metal Materials Co., Ltd.  Record No.:Yu ICP No. 2022014492-1